Tentativa de phishing cu FBI si Banca Mondiala

Phishing FBI

Am mai scris despre astfel de tentative, atat cu Banca Transilvania, FMI, cat si cu Bixenon.ro care era utilizat pentru a comite o astfel de infractiune. Am primit acum o noua tentativa de phishing semnata FBI si care promite un castig rapid de 1.000.000$.

E-mail-ul vine de la

From: “Agent D. Lookman” <dlookman55@gmail.com>

iar raspunsul se duce catre

Reply-To: “Agent D. Lookman” <davislookman@aol.com>

Daca nici o astfel de adresa nu le atrage atentia celor care pica in aceste capcane de phishing, atunci nu ma mai mir cand citesc despre tot felul de infractiuni informatice mai complexe care reusesc sa sustraga zeci de milioane de dolari din buzunarele credulilor.

Redau mai jos intregul mesaj primit.

From: Federal Bureau of Investigation
Dept: Anti-Terrorist & Monetary Crimes Division
Office: Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Address: J. Edgar Hoover Building 93 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
Telephone No: (+1) 202 391 0949

Attention: Beneficiary,

Your email address is listed among those that will receive compensation payment of $1 million dollars through HSBC Bank, Washington, United States once you send this information, your full name, address, telephone/ mobile, age and gender, nationality, occupation. The International Monetary Fund IMF Anti-Fraud teams in collaboration with the World Bank are making sure that financial fraud is completely wiped out. Thousands of email addresses of scammed victims which include yours have been recovered from the fraudulent officials arrested.

We are contacting you because you are now listed as one of the bonafide beneficiaries of the IMF / World Bank compensation payment of 2015 batch A. The IMF with the World bank are making refunds of $1,000,000.00 each to all whom his or her email address is listed on the address book of the recovered fraudulent officials arrested.

Thanks and looking forward to hear from you.

Yours Faithfully
Special Agent Davis Lookman
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

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