Esti student? Participa la SEE NATO Academy


Pentru toti pasionatii de geopolitica, stiinte politice si securitate nationala!

The South-Eastern European NATO Academy (SEE NATO) is an international educational opportunity for university students from members or partners countries, designed to promote the importance of transatlantic values in our societies, while educating them about the modern day threats to global security that NATO HQ and its members face in our century, and about the abilities to respond.

This event will host a five day international workshop and a simulation of an emergency situation, more specifically, participants will have the opportunity to gain a fruitful understanding of what policy options are available in a time of crisis and which are exactly the capabilities to respond.

Leading in a new security climate, when the Alliance has taken on new roles, not only in fighting terrorism or in proving a safe world order, but also on conducting peacekeeping and humanitarian support, a clear understanding of the purpose and relevance of NATO amongst the youth is necessary for the future of national and global security.

Furthermore, the simulation will focus on the importance of NATO’s close relations with its Member States and the necessity of Allies joining their efforts in achieving NATO’s primary transatlantic objectives.

This project will provide outreach to a young community of international students aiming to go into a political career following their studies. This project will harness the range of linguistic, cultural, political and geographical assets of the student community to disseminate a wealth of knowledge on NATO and national security issues that will increase transatlantic awareness and support NATO’s goals in the future. 

Cand are loc?

The South-Eastern European  NATO  Academy (SEE NATO) are loc in perioada 11-15 mai 2014, la Ibis Hotel, Sibiu.

Cum aplic?

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