Social media devine din ce in ce mai complexa pe masura ce sunt lansate noi retele sociale, spam-ul este la ordinea zilei iar supra-incarcarea cu informatii le poate face unora viata amara. Pentru a se descurca in acest hatis intr-un mod onorabil, multe companii si-au angajat un om dedicat care ar trebui sa aiba strategia de social media bine pusa la punct. Daca nu aveti acest document, va invit sa studiati planul in cinci pasi propus de Marketo, plan via grupul de LinkedIn Social Media Marketing.
1. Get Organizational Buy-In
Support for your effort is crucial. Download the newly updated Definitive Guide to Social Marketing and take a close look on its chapter on building a business case – you’ll find helpful tips for getting buy-in at all levels.
Click here:
2. Develop A Plan
A good social plan looks different for every organization. This useful Social Media Tactical Plan will help you develop a social plan that is customized to your personal goals.
Click here:
3. Set Expectations
Every social channel is different. This comprehensive Social Media Cheat Sheet Series will help you set expectations and optimize your efforts on each of the six major social channels, from Twitter to Pinterest.
Click here:
4. Optimize For Lead Gen
You’re trying to get eyeballs for a reason. Find out how to use social to drive more leads with this popular eBook that describes How to Optimize Your Social Channels for Lead Gen.
Click here:
5. Measure Results
Social isn’t just about brand and awareness. Find out how you can truly measure results and real ROI from your social efforts in the Definitive Guide to Social Marketing.
Click here:
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