Nici n-a apucat sa se usuce cerneala virtuala a precedentului articol ca am si primit o noua veste importanta: Bitdefender a obtinut distinctia “Produsul anului” acordata de prestigioasa institutie independenta de analiza AV-Comparatives.
Premiul confirma din nou ca Bitdefender are cea mai buna tehnologie de protectie a datelor si de prevenire a infectiilor cu virusi informatici.
“Bitdefender a devenit liderul industriei datorita unui mix puternic intre detectia bazata pe semnaturi si cea bazata pe comportament. Software-ul Bitdefender este o unealta foarte puternica si asta s-a vazut testare dupa testare. In mod clar Bitdefender merita acest premiu“, a declarat Andreas Clementi, CEO al AV-Comparatives, cu aceasta ocazie.
Viorel Canja, seful laboratoarelor antimalware din Bitdefender pune succesul remarcabil inregistrat in ultimii doi ani pe seama unui mix intre experienta valoroasa a echipei in industria antivirus si importanta acordata unui raspuns extrem de rapid la noile amenintari.
Bitdefender vs Kaspersky
Asa cum se poate observa in tabelul comparativ de mai jos, Bitdefender si Kasperky au avut o evolutie similara.
Departajarea facandu-se in functie de castigarea distinctiei intr-un alt an, asa cum se specifica in documentul disponibil:
As we give only one Product of the Year Award, we apply the following rule: if there are two or more products with equal marks, the award goes to the product which has not previously received it. The other high-scoring product(s) will be given the Top Rated Award. This means that in the event of two products achieving the same results, the product that has not already won the award will receive it. This year we have precisely this situation: both Kaspersky Lab’s and Bitdefender’s products were equally good, and both worthy of the Product of the Year award. Bitdefender has not won the award before (and also achieved slightly higher scores in the Real-World Protection Test).
Consequently, the 2012 Product of the Year award goes to Bitdefender.
Acest premiu nu face altceva decat sa inteteasca lupta intre cele doua companii, lupta ca nu duce decat la produse mai bune, o protectie sporita si un utilizator multumit.