Credeam ca limbajul de lemn este definitoriu pentru politicienii romani si pentru sefii companiilor de stat.
Iata ca Yahoo! mi-a dovedit ca nici macar o asemenea corporatie nu poate evita limbajul de lemn. Dupa ce au concediat-o pe Carol Bartz si au inlocuit-o cu Tim Morse, biroul de presa a lansat acest comunicat de presa care anunta reorganizarea managementului.
Spicuim doua paragrafe:
Roy Bostock, Chairman of the Yahoo! Board, said, “The Board sees enormous growth opportunities on which Yahoo! can capitalize, and our primary objective is to leverage the Company’s leadership and current business assets and platforms to execute against these opportunities. We have talented teams and tremendous resources behind them and intend to return the Company to a path of robust growth and industry-leading innovation. We are committed to exploring and evaluating possibilities and opportunities that will put Yahoo! on a trajectory for growth and innovation and deliver value to shareholders.”
“It is an honor to be selected for this role and lead the Company with this world-class team of executives. I look forward to working with theExecutive Leadership Council and the talented employees of Yahoo!, and to partnering with the Board to invest in the organization and continue to drive its ongoing growth plans,” said Tim Morse, Interim Chief Executive Officer.
Comunicatul e plin de growth si opportunities, repetate intr-o asemenea masura incat ti se face rau iar partea despre Yahoo! este atat de mare incat poate constitui cu succes un comunicat de presa de sine statator.
Cred ca cel/cea care l-a scris nu cred ca se afla intr-o zi buna. Acest lucru ma face sa pun acest comunicat in categoria, ASA NU.
Nici competitorul direct pentru search, Google nu sta mai bine.