GDN’s latest Global Research Project will explore the role of formal and informal institutions in service delivery in basic education, water supply and transport infrastructure (roads). The project will comprise of both country-level and sector-level studies. Supported by a consortium of donors, it will be run in partnership with the Open Society Institute (OSI) and the Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR).
GDN is inviting proposals from research teams, organizations and consortia based in developing and transition countries. Around 10-15 proposals will be selected. Entries should seek to undertake cross-sector and/or cross-country studies examining the role of interest groups, decentralization, functioning of specialized regulatory agencies, private sector participation, quasi-markets, and community participation, to name a few.
Who Should Apply:
- Social Science research teams from developing and transition countries with interest and expertise in the field of governance. More than half (50%) of the team members– including the lead researcher/organisation– should be citizens of developing/transition countries.
- Teams comprising of members from a single organization (such as a think tank, university or any other form of a non-profit organization or a consortium) especially for proposals seeking to undertake multi-country studies.
- Proposals may be submitted by a group of individual researchers provided that the principal investigator is clearly identified. However, proposals submitted through organizations will be preferred.
How to Apply:
- Log onto the Project Homepage for details
- Application Deadline – 30th August, 2010
- Applications will be accepted only in English.
- All applicants are required to complete Annex II of the CFP (can be found on the Project Homepage) and submit it for consideration to